How to Control Emotions

Why I Wanted to Learn How to Control Emotions

I had a deep desire to know how to control emotions since I was a child because I was often exposed to the narcissistic rage and other emotional outbursts of others. Being very sensitive to subtle energies, I experienced the negative emotions of others as very physical sensations in my body.

I couldn’t understand why people would choose to express those emotions, and frankly, I thought I had been switched at birth and ended up in the wrong family.

But when I became a teenager, I started to experience deep negative emotions I couldn’t understand. I tried to fight them, but they were very persistent.

Not being able to control my own negative emotions was probably even harder than experiencing the negative emotions of others. It felt wrong to have those feelings, but at the same time, I was powerless to change them.

To be honest, in my entire life I met very few peaceful, well-balanced people. And since I didn’t know them very well, I wasn’t sure if they were peaceful on the inside or just on the outside. But every time I met someone like that, I tried to understand how they were able to stay peaceful when the entire world seemed to be plunged into emotional chaos.

How I Learned to Control Emotions

Until the age of 25, I didn’t even know that we could choose our thoughts and feelings. I started to learn how to control emotions when one of my friends gave me a book by Louise Hay. Until then, I thought that our thoughts and emotions were inevitable reactions to the world around us.

I started to adjust the way I thought and reacted, and I saw some very positive changes. But I was still missing the bigger picture of reality and the Self.

I gained much more clarity a few years later when my Spiritual Awakening began. But it took more than ten years of purification of consciousness and many spiritual experiences to finally understand how emotions work and where they come from. Right now, it seems so simple and obvious, but it took years of hard work to figure it out.

What Emotions Are

In simple terms, emotions are the subconscious understanding that comes to our awareness through bodily sensations. We feel them as something very personal because of our feeling nature, but in reality, they are basically just thoughts. This means they don’t always reflect the truth.

What is even more important is that emotions do not reflect our own understanding. Many of our subconscious beliefs are inherited, and another big portion of our beliefs we catch in early childhood from others. Only a small amount reflects our own beliefs, but these are influenced by the beliefs we’ve inherited and caught from others.

How to Control Emotions

Through the inner work I was doing, I discovered that behind each negative emotion is a negative subconscious belief. The fastest way to control emotions and change the way we feel is by replacing this negative subconscious belief with a positive one.

It works like magic. One moment you are in a state of deep emotional turmoil, and it seems absolutely impossible to calm down. The next moment, you can’t even understand why you had such a strong reaction to something that no longer bothers you at all.

We often get attached to our negative emotions, but we don’t realize that they are unnatural to us. Our true nature, our Real Self, is always peaceful and blissful. How to find and replace negative beliefs I describe in detail in my book.

Why It Is Important to Replace Negative Beliefs

You probably already know that this reality is an illusion. Through various spiritual experiences, I came to the conclusion that our subconscious mind creates our entire reality just as it creates our dreams. Our negative subconscious beliefs affect all our experiences. They are reflected back to us as negative circumstances and health-related issues.

From my experience, I know that when you live in a state of inner chaos, it doesn’t go away even if you are in the most beautiful and peaceful place. You bring this state with you wherever you go, and you perceive reality through the filter of this state. It means that if we want positive changes, we need to make them within ourselves first.

But since the cause of inner chaos is negative subconscious beliefs, we need to remove them if we want to experience a happy and peaceful life. To bring about positive changes, we need to work on our subconscious understanding and replace negative subconscious programs. This will allow us to overcome negative emotions and return to our innate peaceful and blissful state.

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