My Story

Since I was little, I had this strange feeling that something was wrong with this reality, and everything is not how it is supposed to be. I was looking for answers from a very young age but couldn’t find anything.

I was living a “regular life” – getting degrees and growing my business. But after several traumatic experiences, I began to develop severe anxiety.

One day, I was on my way to an important meeting, and my anxiety almost reached the level of a panic attack. Suddenly, I became very angry at myself and said that I simply couldn’t continue living this way, and I absolutely had to do something about it.

I didn’t know back then what a powerful force our intention is, or that I would steer my life in a completely different direction. A day or two after I made that decision, I found a book about Buddhism. It was seventeen years ago, and this is how my Spiritual Awakening began.

Finally, I began to find explanations for what is wrong with this reality. Almost everything I read about the teachings of Buddha deeply resonated with me, to the point that it felt as if I was not learning but remembering those things.

I moved from a big city to the countryside and decided to dedicate my life to the attainment of Enlightenment and Liberation. I wanted some peace and quiet to support my Spiritual Journey.

But I didn’t expect that my false self would fight with me and try to do everything to divert me from my Path. Frankly, I didn’t know back then that such a thing even existed.

For the first few years, my Spiritual Awakening was very chaotic. My old habits wouldn’t go away. I tried to meditate, but it didn’t work very well. It seemed like Buddhism didn’t give me all the answers I needed, and I continued searching.

I started to read various spiritual texts and books related to consciousness and spiritual experiences. Then I learned how to lucid dream and began to explore the inner world of my dreams. I also started to use different techniques to purify my consciousness.

Five years after the beginning of my Spiritual Awakening, I experienced the state of Higher Consciousness (I write more about this in my books). A couple of years later, I realized the Real Self.

When it happened, I also saw that I had a false self that became very apparent after Self-Realization. It was very frustrating to find that after so many years of work on the purification of my consciousness, I still had a lot of work to do. But I gained much greater clarity, because I was able to separate the Real Self from the false self.

My connection with the Real Self helped me find what I needed to do to overcome the false self. I was guided to receive different spiritual attunements and, finally, to find the way to replace negative subconscious beliefs.

At this point, I knew where the major problem was and what I needed to do. I went through at least eight years of the most intensive inner work. Through this work, I gained many profound insights about the workings of the subconscious mind and consciousness.

I was also blessed with many profound spiritual experiences that helped me expand my understanding of reality and The Self.

Now, being able to enjoy the peaceful and blissful nature of the Real Self most of the time, I want to help others do the same by sharing what I’ve learned.

With love,

Nat Noble


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