Out of Body Experiences

Although not uncommon, out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are still unknown to many of us. I discovered about OBEs only in my late thirties, which is why I decided to share several videos that helped me understand the nature of this experience.

Why do I believe that it is so important to learn about OBEs? Because they reveal that this reality is created by consciousness, just like our regular dreams. They also help us understand that we are not the body, but the consciousness that creates the entire reality, including the body.

One of the biggest figures in the field of out-of-body experiences is Robert Monroe. His work has led to the creation of an institute that studies this phenomenon. You can watch his interview below to discover important aspects of this experience in his own words.

Another prominent figure in this field is William Buhlman. I have read several of his books, and his knowledge has helped me understand the OBE in a much more profound way.

William Buhlman on creating an effective explorer’s mindset:

And finally, I want to share with you an interview with Jurgen Ziewe at “Buddha at the Gas Pump” channel. He is also an author and his books share many profound insights about the nature of this experience:

If you want to learn more, I also recommend to read about the Lucid Dreaming, which is also a type of OBE.

My Story

Since I was little, I had this strange feeling that something was wrong with this reality, and...

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Does our soul live forever? Many people believe that it does, but not many realize that they are...

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Past Lives

Many believe that we have had hundreds of past lives, though we do not remember them. However,...

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Lucid Dreaming

I remember that when I had my first lucid dream, it was an exhilarating experience. Although I...

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